At iStore Pre-owned we believe in providing our customers with quality products and services, transparency and ultimately value. Our ultimate aim is to offer our customers the same great experience that has been accustomed to when coming to iStore for all your new Apple products. We're here to help you make the best decision on your next iStore Certified Pre-owned Apple product. Assuring you of our extensive quality program, as all Apple products have had to pass a certified diagnostic assessment. This is why we provide our customers with a 2 year warranty* on iPhone and 1 year warranty* on all other Apple products.
2 year on iPhone 1 year on all other Apple products
Trusted Partner
Partner to iStore, the largest Apple APR in Southern Africa
Wide selection of iStore Certified Pre-owned Apple products
Secure Transactions
All transactions are 100% secured
Express Delivery
Free Nationwide delivery for all orders
Trade In
Trade in your previously loved product at iStore, either online or at one of our 40 stores nationwide
Your previously loved product is then shipped to our refurbishment centre to undergo our quality assessment program
Once passing our quality assessment program, your previously loved product is extensively cleaned, repackaged and now ready to be shipped
iStore Pre-owned Product Condition Guide
Helping you choose the right pre-owned or demo product for you:
Choosing a pre-owned, refurbished or demo product shouldn’t be difficult. We also know that all customers differ when buying pre-owned products, assessing both quality and value for money. This is why we’ve designed a product condition guide which you’ll see in the description field of all our devices. Whatever the quality or value of our products you can be guaranteed of 100% functionality.
Most affordable device in the range. Easily noticeable scratches and marking (including minor dents) on the body. Screen contains visible scratches. In store Only.
The device contains noticeable markings on body and screen. Learn more
The device may contain light but visible markings on the body and screen. Learn more
Highest quality pre-owned devices. The body may contain very light to no markings. The screen is free from any scratches. Learn more
iStore Pre-owned Guaranteed Quality
As iStore Pre-owned we strive to give you quality products no matter what, which is why all of our devices undergo testing and quality checks.
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